

Welcome to my lifestyle blog, where I write about my favorite things: pop culture, travel, career, wellness, fashion, friendship and relationships.

Enjoy! Dareise

Getting to a New Version of Yourself will be Uncomfortable...Keep Going.

Getting to a New Version of Yourself will be Uncomfortable...Keep Going.

I had another topic planned to write about today, but couldn’t move myself to write a word about it. Something else was on my heart, and I had to oblige its calling. Last week I wrote about a new version of me that is emerging, a creative, and this transformation is not without growing pains. It’s scary, painful and uncomfortable, but deep down in my spirit, I know it’s good for me and absolutely worth it.

I am the queen of quotes, so when I decided to blog about this, I knew I had to frame my thoughts around some of my favorite quotes about change and transformation within oneself.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.”

-Max Depree

It is impossible to make a full transformation into the new version of yourself if you are insistent on remaining in the same mindset and keeping the same habits and beliefs of the old you. Take time to think about where life is working to take you to. Write downwhat you think are the characteristics, beliefs, habits and mindset of the new version of yourself and begin aligning your life with those things. To be honest, if the Universe/God/Allah/Whomever you believe in wants you to ascend, you will notice that things will start aligning for you that are on the path to your new self.


“You are allowed to feel grief while releasing outdated versions of yourself.”


I posted this quote a few weeks ago because it resonated deeply with me. I’ve been in a state of transition for a while now, and really couldn’t name what I was feeling at times: anger, sadness, unsettled. These are all symptoms of grief and are a part of this process. While working through this in therapy, I was given homework: write a letter from the new you to the old you. It was powerful. That part of me that is outdated needed to know I appreciated her and all she’s done for me, but many of the characteristics she was built on no longer serve me. They served their purpose and now I can take what is useful with me into this new version of myself. I will leave those things that hinder my rise behind.

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”

-Robin Sharma

This perfectly captures the essence of this journey. The transition is very uncomfortable and you’ll try, and sometimes, go back to your comfort zone. But guess what, that may no longer feel comfortable, so you may find yourself at a crossroads with a decision to make. Keep going toward the new version of yourself. When new versions of an iPhone or Galaxy are created, they are always better. Apple and Samsung have worked out the kinks of the old versions and upgraded many features that make the phones work better. We are developed in the same way.

So, rest assured that the difficulty and messiness will fade. It’s all a part of your process of ascending to a better, more awesome you.

I am Thankful for these Gifts from the Pandemic

I am Thankful for these Gifts from the Pandemic

Travel with Me: Puerto Rico

Travel with Me: Puerto Rico