

Welcome to my lifestyle blog, where I write about my favorite things: pop culture, travel, career, wellness, fashion, friendship and relationships.

Enjoy! Dareise

3 Reminders to Get You Through a Valley Season

3 Reminders to Get You Through a Valley Season

Last year, I found myself in a valley season. Honestly, I had already been there for a while before the pandemic, so quarantine, uncertainty and having to adjust to a new normal exacerbated this low season in my life. A valley season is a time of struggle. It’s a low point in one’s life where many things may not go your way, you experience lack, depression, instability and fear. This isn’t an all-inclusive list because it looks different for everyone, but you will know when you are there because it’s a dark and difficult time.

As I emerge from this most recent valley season (you will encounter quite a few throughout life) and reflect, I am certain all things were working together for my good (Romans 8:28). I knew this when I was going through it, but it was hard to anchor myself in the faith that God was not only present, but working things out for my benefit because I was hurting. Hurting from an abnormal amount of loss due to COVID-19, the anxiety triggered by uncertainty and the fight for racial justice in America.

I found myself exhausted and depressed. I also experienced a great amount of rejection professionally and I wanted to give up (I convinced myself I did in my mind a few times, but I just took a break). I was deep in the valley and when I felt I couldn’t keep moving forward, my friends and family not only encouraged me, but did all they could to help me by providing resources and connections because they believed in me. I also prayed, meditated and listened to my Gospel music playlist daily to get me through this season.

Although seasons in the valley are difficult, dark and daunting, they are also times when we learn, grow and heal. If you are in a valley right now, I hope these three reminders bless you and give you some encouragement to not only keep moving forward, but to also see the jewels you are being gifted in this season.

Reminder #1: The Valley is Temporary

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Remind yourself that this is a season. While I was going through my valley, it felt like it would last forever, but I am here to remind you that it doesn’t. It is temporary and your harvest season will come around again. I can’t tell you how long you’ll be in this state, but I can assure you, it will not last always.

Reminder #2: Stay Ready

Are you experiencing a great amount of rejection? Do you feel like nothing is going your way in this season? It may very well be the case, but stay ready so you don’t have to get ready once the valley season is over. Feel and work through your tough feelings, but also make time to work on your craft. Things will come together and when they do, you will be ready.

Reminder #3: Shine, Don’t Wallow in Shame

This can be a difficult thing to do because…pride, but work on shining your light while experiencing adversity. You may have taken a step (or a few steps) back professionally or personally, but that doesn’t have to be an obstacle, it can be an opportunity. If you’ve gained peace, joy, and some level of contentment, you are successful. Redefine success in your valley season. Redefine joy. Redefine you. Shine your light, not just for yourself, but for others to see they can get through adversity as well.

There is beauty in every season and it’s important to remember that fact. So, as you go through a valley season, make it a priority to see the beauty, learn the lessons and get adequately prepared for opportunity because trouble don’t last always.

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