All in Wellness

Positive Thinking: 6 Ways to Shift Your Mindset

Self-improvement starts with you and once you work toward being positive on a daily basis, you start to feel better. The power of a mindset shift includes living a happier more productive life that you are proud of.

When good things start happening to us, we have to let go of the scarcity mindset that will inevitably hinder our progress. Once we stop being scared of doing the work needed to become the best version of ourselves, the world we live in starts to look brighter.

3 Ways to Make the Best of a COVID Christmas

I also had trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year. The spirit of joy, giving and gratitude just wasn’t automatically rising up in my spirit like year’s past. The normal family tradition of the us gathering for dinner and helping the kids of the family (there are a lot of them, ages 1-10) make and bake cookies and gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve isn’t an option. Things are just different and I found myself angry and discouraged about the changes. I knew I had to do something about that because there is so much to be grateful for and so many opportunities to create joy and connectedness in new ways.

Self-Care: Four Practices to Deepen Self-Love

I love that last sentence because caring for yourself is an essential part of cultivating self-love. I’m talking about the self-care that takes your mind and spirit to its healthiest state. Therapy, affirmations, self-reflection, gratitude journaling, consuming healthy foods, media and music are all ways to build self-love. Of course, there are many more, but I have tried all of the aforementioned methods which led to the following four practices I also employ to deepen the love I have for myself.

A Conversation With: Emelda De Coteau, Founder of Women Creatives Chat & Podcast 'Pray with Our Feet'

A few months ago, Emelda De Coteau, founder of the community Women Creatives Chat and the podcast Pray with Our Feet started a series called “Creating through COVID-19,” which includes live conversations with women creatives who talk about how to embody gratitude, cope with mental health challenges and how to be mindful about physical and mental wellness during the pandemic. As a member of this remarkable community of diverse women creatives, I can attest to the power it has had on me in supporting my goals as a creative while also providing a platform for us to share experiences, advice, encouragement and expertise to aid in each other’s growth.

Self-Care: Gratitude Journaling

I've kept a journal since I was a teenager. Writing was a natural way for me to express myself. I'd write poetry, short stories and details about my day and my crushes. I always felt relieved after I'd write, especially when I could let go of thoughts I didn't want to or didn't have the courage to, speak out loud.

Fast forward many years later and I am still writing in my journal, but this year while in quarantine due to the pandemic, I decided to start a gratitude journal.