All tagged Gratitude

Top 9 Lessons 2020 Gave Me

This has been a very challenging year for all of us, but it’s also provided countless lessons and gems in the midst of loss, chaos and uncertainty. I chose 9 lessons to share, though there are many more, because as I reflected on this year and the wisdom it gave me, I felt the energy of 9 in my spirit. We have the wisdom and strength that 2020 gave us to aid us in this next chapter and now, at the cusp of the completion of this year, I can honestly say I am grateful for these lessons.

A Written Reflection: Dear 17-Year-Old Me, I’m Glad You Took that Advice

Year seventeen was an interesting one for me, as I’m sure it is for all teenagers. There was a lot I knew about myself and had come to believe about myself. I knew I was a writer. My aunt, who’d helped raise me (and read my diaries and poetry without my permission, Lol), told me I was a few years prior, and by that point I believed it. I loved to write and could trace that love as far back as the second grade. But there were a lot of things I didn’t know and didn’t take seriously; school was one of them.